of hiring decision-makers say a lack of qualified candidates is their #1 challenge.
of applicants would abandon an online application if it took more than 15 minutes to complete.

Recruiting At Scale
Companies that are recruiting at scale face problems with ensuring their candidate experience remains strong — or the damage to their employer branding and reputation could be irreparable.
This is all without mentioning the knock-on effects that bringing large numbers of new hires onboard can have on an organization’s culture, and the difficulty of ensuring diversity goals are met at a higher scale.
This guide will outline some steps you can take to make sure you meet your high-volume hiring goals without compromising on company culture, candidate experience, diversity, or quality of hire. We’ll cover the main challenges of hiring at scale, the key metrics you should be tracking, and what you can do to make sure you meet your goals. We’ll also share insights from some of Talentful’s clients who have successfully stayed ahead of their high-volume hiring demands, even during the pandemic.