Hiring 51 commercial and tech roles for Taxfix

Commercial and tech roles hired
Saved vs. agency model
Renewal of partnership
There have been many partners that I have dealt with throughout my professional life but what strikes me the most about Talentful is their drive to in-depth understand your business and based on that provide the best possible outcome. They are extremely results orientated as well as driven to deliver exceptional experience and value for your business. The partnership with Talentful enabled Taxfix to scale up at a pace that matched our ambitious growth plans.

Imagine a world where filing your taxes is a joy. Where everyone, regardless of education or background, can take control of their financial future.
Taxfix’s intuitive app and web products help users confidently file their taxes in under 22 minutes. With a team of 250+ professionals from over 40 different nationalities, they’re is on a mission to democratize the tax filing system.
The Challenge
Taxfix’s partnership with Talentful came at a pivotal moment during their growth journey. Having just closed a €27 million Series B funding round and with the upcoming tax season fast approaching, the focus for the second half of 2019 was to grow quickly and efficiently. Many additional technical and senior roles were required for this to be at all possible.
With a wish-list of roughly 20 specialized roles to hire for, Taxfix found that they needed a trusted partner, long term, with an in-depth understanding of their business. What they required was Talentful’s unique blend of experience, extensive knowledge of the technical landscape and ability to act quickly and decisively.
Costly agencies not delivering value
High volume of hires needed
Upcoming tax season meant hires were needed by a certain date
The Solution
Throughout an initial six month partnership, Talentful provided a flexible team made up of one Senior Talent Partner and two Talent Partners.
This team covered both technical and commercial hiring roles, taking on the responsibility of engaging with specialized tech candidates and senior commercial candidates. Whilst focusing primarily on sourcing the right talent to fill these roles, Talentful also worked on additional value add projects, such as D&I initiatives, dedicated workshops and improving the employer branding content to raise Taxfix’s profile.
Flexible team to scale as needed
Diversity & inclusion initiatives
Improved employer branding
The Result
Talentful hired over 50 roles, saving Taxfix countless hours that otherwise would have been spent on recruitment and freeing up time for the team to prepare themselves for their most critical revenue generating season. This initial success meant that a renewed partnership was a no-brainer, and Taxfix decided to renew the partnership with Talentful in May 2020, a month after the conclusion of the initial project.
The roles hired were just the beginning of what the Talentful have achieved so far with Taxfix, also providing invaluable changes to D&I by improving the interview process, data integrity, filming employer branding content to highlight the company’s diversity and running apprentice events and assessment centers.
51 commercial and tech roles hired
$57,210 saved vs. agency model
One renewal of partnership